The Finish Your Game Jam Update!

For the Portland Indie Game Squad's Finish Your Game Jam 2023, I decided to work on this game from the Zero Hour Game Jam! I was planning to work on a game from earlier in the year, but something about this experience ignited a creative fire I had not felt for awhile. Grabbing my pens, pencils, and unfurling my main sails ,I got to work building it out!
From the screenshots attached to this devlog, there was SO MUCH MORE THIS WAS MEANT TO BE! I had lore, opening cutscenes, and a small open sailing area with islands! Even more, ON LAND SECTIONS! It was ambitious making a sea themed top down adventure game. Too ambitious as while I got a TON of art assets made, and it was not completely functional at the end. I ended up focusing more on art, than the back end.
However that is not what sunk my ship.
On the second to last night of the jam, I donked up. Somehow, somewhere, I had caused an error in the build process preventing my project from successfully compiling. Having weathered a rough Thanksgiving/Black Friday weekend working at the mall, I used what energy to google, and trawl the GB Studio discord for a lead. Sadly I did not find a solution in a timely manner. Having to work early the next morning, I decided to abandon ship, and rebuild my original Zero Hour Jam game with new assets, and a couple of new obstacles.
From this:
To this:
Is a pretty good glow up, and a great start on a more long term project!
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That art upgrade is awesome! Really too bad about all the art you did that didn't make it in, but nice last minute pivot to get it done!