The Finish Your Jam Update

Just a little write up, as a treat!
So another year of the Finish Your Game Jam has concluded, much like last year I decided to expand upon the game I made for Zero Hour Game Jam! However, unlike last year I didn't overwork myself, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY: MY ENTIRE PROJECT DIDN"T CORRUPT HOURS BEFORE THE DEADLINE!
So I took my game from this:
The last few weeks have given me a chance to play around with a lot of the new features GBstudio has added over the last several months! Prefabs, new scripts, and a lot of quality of life additions!
Once again I was messing around implement some kind of health display, and janky top down combat, I felt like I got pretty close this time around.
From this year I've had three major take aways.
First: You can have too many different projectile sprite loaded into a scene. At most you can have 5 different unique projectiles, which does present some challenges in making sprites, and determining the hitbox for them. At first I thought being clever separating projectile into two sprites into left/right, and up/down versions, that way I can make the collisions match the sprites better. HOWEVER, that by doing that I made 2 unique projectiles for Wolf, the Zombo, Bones, and the Lancer. After discovering that I combined each type of sprite to have both directions, and said "Screw it, its a Game Jam" for the hitboxs on them. ( I'm sorry it can be a little unfair.)
Second: Prefabs are great, but you still gotta manually link things together! This might be more of a ME thing, because of how I conceptualized my health display for the player! In the prefab I made for the actor that represents the player's health there is a custom script that updates the sprite depending on the player's health, which directly points to the actor it is attached. Since it was a prefab and I had it working in one scene, it would work for ALL OF THEM. That was not the case.
Jump to past Marty at an hour before the jam ends wondering "WHY DOES MY WOLF HACK INTO THE MATRIX UPON GETTING HIT?!"
Luckily I was able to figure out the the prefab had defaulted to trying to update the sprite tied to the player, instead of the one tied to the player's health! So I had to click through every scene that had the player's health displayed, and make sure the script was pointing in the right place! Again, this could be result of me 'frakenstiening code together, but it was another interesting discover.
Third: "Scope it out, and cut half of it".
Last year I REALLLLLY REALLLLY OVER SCOPED, so I drastically limited what I was planning to do this year.
In the back of my mind there was voice "Now cut half all that!".
The voice was right. I would've had something more polished, maybe even a boss enemy to fight at the end if I cut out the Lancer, and didn't bother drawing Teri's Diner in the first place, because the player can't get there to begin with!
Anyways, that has been my devlog about Wolf Sword. I might make some more updates, I might not.
Either way some valuable insight was gained!
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